Specifying Models
Models are normally spread across several files containing specifications for the various components. Every model requires a master file that specifies what calculation is to be run and that links to other components needed by the model. The full structure and contents of these files are described in the input format reference. This section explains the most important elements and shows how they are used to define a model.
The reason for using multiple files to define single model is that it cuts down on duplication of model components and therby on the associated risks of incompatible versions or accidental changes. For example modeling project that involves testing a series of channel distributions will generally use the same morphology and channel definitions for all models. By separating the model components in different files it is possible to have only one, definitive, morphology specification, and one version of each channel type. The only thing that needs to be changed from run to run is the choice of channel distribution file. A new master files is needed for each run that links to the appropriate distribution file but it can refer to the same versions of the morphology and other components as before.
Components of a model
PSICS models are expressed as object trees using a predefined set of object types, each of which has assocaiated optional or required parameters. Examples of objects include a population of channels, a singie state within a channel or the master object that defines a simulation run. Some objects, such as ion channels, can contain lists or single instances of other objects or particular types (states and transitions, for an ion channel). Others, such as a channel transition, just have parameters and no sub-objects. Most ojbects can only be used as sub-objects since they only make sense in the context of an enclosing structure. The execptions to this rule are the so-called "standalone" or "top-level" components. These are the ones that can be defined in their own files. The various top-level component types understood by PSICS are:
- PSICSMaster: overall specification of the simulation to be performed
- CellMorphology: the physical structure of the cell
- CellEnvironment: the environment around the cell, including the temperature and concentrations of ions
- KSChannel: ion channels
- CellProperties: cytoplasmic and membrane properties, including the distribution of ion channels across the membrane
- Access: external stimulation via current or voltage clamps and recording via voltage recorders
The master file links to one file each of types: CellMorphology, CellEnvorinment, CellProperties and Access. The CellProperties file links to whichever KSChannel files are needed for the mode. The KSChannel object type encompases all the possible ion channel models and allows multi-complex channels. It includes standard Hodgkin-Huxley style models as a subset of multi-complex kinetic schemes.
XML file structure
The object trees defining a model are expressed as XML files. As used by PSICS, XML is just a way of writing down a nested collection of elements where each element is of a particular type that specifies what properties, or attributes, it can have what types of child elements are allowed. An element begins with with an angle bracket and opening type name such as <CellMorphology. This is then followed by any attributes in the form name="value" with spaces between them. If there are no child elements, it is then closed with />. If there are child elements, the opening tag is terminated just with a > and the child elements follow. Then the element is closed with a tag that matches the opening one with an extra / as in </CellMorphology>. Each file can only contain one root element. Text that is not part of the model can be included within comment tags: <!-- this is an xml comment -->. It is generally a good idea to indent model specification files so as to make the nested structure clear, but this is not required. Whitespace does not matter except within quited values or in tags (where it is not allowed).
The above conditions provide what is termed well-formed XML. There is another level of standardization to provide so-called valid XML where each file must also specify the schema it conforms to and may also contain details of the character encoding being used, the XML version, and various other things. The concept of XML validity is only really important wher XML is written by software to communicate with other software. It is not relevant to the relatively clean and simple hand-written xml files used for PSICS.
With a suitable text editor it is fairly easy to write well-formed XML by hand. Some of the many possible tools are listed in the utilities section. The editor should handle the matching of opening and closing tags, document indentation, and should highlight any inconsistencies in the file structure as they are edited, so that such faults can be corrected in advance rather than having to be tracked down from error messages generated by PSICS when it tries to read the files.
Object parameters
The formats reference shows that the interenal model uses an extensive set of data types for the parameters of an object. They can be integers, booleans (true/false), plain floating point numbers, one of a wide range of dimensional quantitites (time, distance, voltage etc), choices from a set of options, text labels or identifiers, or references to other objects by identifier.
In the XML file, however, they are all just plain text as in id="HH_K" gSingle="1pS". Here the first entry in quotes is the identifier for a channel definition, and the second is a conductance. The weakness here is that you have firstly to know the names of the parameters that are allowed in an object, and second what type they are before you can write a suitable XML file. Although this information is all built into PSICS, there is no very convenient way of using it at the time of creating files (XML provides both schemas and document type definitions to solve this problem, and there are XML authoring tools that use them, but for the scale of models needed for PSICS, it is probably easiest at present just to write the XML by hand).
Identifiers and references
Most of the parameter types are relatively straightforward. The only two that need special mention are the identifiers and references that provide the glue to make links between objects. These links are made by setting an idattribute on one object and then refereing to that id with a parameter of another. For example a channel definition can have an id attribute:
<KSChannel id="HH_K" permeantIon="K" gSingle="1pS"> <KSComplex id="n" instances="4"> <ClosedState id="c" /> <OpenState id="o" /> <ExpLinearTransition from="c" to="o" rate="0.1per_ms" midpoint="-55.mV" scale="-10mV" /> <ExpTransition from="o" to="c" rate="0.125per_ms" midpoint="-65.mV" scale="-80mV" /> </KSComplex> </KSChannel>
<ChannelPopulation channel="HH_Na" density="1200per_um2" />
There is a possible confusion between the names of files and the names (identifiers) of the objects they contain. PSICS normally only cares about the identifiers, not the actual file names. But in general it is a very good idea to make the file name the same as the object's id. Just as it is not possible to have two files with the same name in one folder, a model should never have two components with the same id, even if they are of different types.
The choice of units is a common cause of problems in model specifications because of the risk of mistakes in converting from preferred units to those required by the software. PSICS avoids this problem by requiring unit specifications on (almost) all dimensional quantities but by allowing the user to specify quantities in their own preferred units. Internally the units are converted to self consistent set of units used for the calculation itself.
The units follow normal conventions except that, because MXL files are written in plain text, greek letters have to be written in a roman equivalent ("u" for "μ") and you cant write powers as superscripts. The full list of units shows the full list of conventions and explains how compound units can be written.
The main exceptions to the units rule are for positions and radii of points within a cell morphology where microns are assumed if nothing else is specified. This allows morphology specifications, where a lot of quantities with the same units are often used, to be more concise than if units were required. For other element types warnings will be generated if any dimensional quantities are specified without giving the units.
Building a model
As indicated above, a model requires five XML files plus one file for each channel type. It is often most convenient to start with an existing model but, for completeness, here we describe what is involved in setting up a model from scratch. More details on each of the file types can be found in the formats reference.
The master file sets the timestep, runtime, start potential and the numerical method. It then links to the other files needed for the model. The example below also includes a StructureDiscretization block to specify how the morphology should be discretized into compartments for the calculation.
<PSICSRun lib="." timeStep="0.1ms" runTime="250ms" startPotential="-65mV" method="weighted_crank_nicolson" morphology="cell" environment="environment" properties="properties" access="recording"> <StructureDiscretization baseElementSize="1um" /> </PSICSRun>
The cell morphology can be short and simple, as below for a single long cylinder, or much longer for realistic morphologies. In either case, the structure is the same: it contains a list of points, each of which has an id and a reference to the parent point (unless it is the root of the tree). Points can also have optional labels to define regins of the structure and there is an optional minor flag for minor branches. This id udrf to indicate that the section to the point is a straight cylinder with the radius of the destination point rather than the default interpretation which is to assume that each section tapers smoothly between its two end points. The minor flag should be set for points that begin smaller branches of large dendrites or for processes that emerge from a spherical soma. In either case, the surface area is computed to correctly take account of the intersection point between the parent volume and the branch. That is, the length of the minor branch is the distance between it and its parent point minus the parent radius.
<CellMorphology id="cell"> <Point id="p0" x="0" y="0" z="0" r="0.5" /> <Point parent="p0" id="p1" x="1000" y="0" z="0" r="0.5" /> </CellMorphology>
The cell environment is probably the simplest object and the least likely to need changing. It lists the ions that are used in the model and sets their reversal potentials.
<CellEnvironment id="environment"> <Ion id="K" name="Potassium" reversalPotential="-65mV" /> <Ion id="Na" name="Sodium" reversalPotential="50mV" /> </CellEnvironment>
The cell properties file sets both the bulk properties of the cytoplasm and the membrane properties. The latter is done via a set of embedded channel population objects, which can, in turn, refer to distribution specifications. It is typically the most complicated part of a model, although the example below from Rallpack1 where there is just a constant potassium leak, shows that it can also be very simple.
<CellProperties id="membrane" cytoplasmResistivity="100ohm_cm" membraneCapacitance="1uF_per_cm2"> <ChannelPopulation channel="leak" density="25per_um2" /> </CellProperties>
The access configuration shows the locations of clamps and recorders. Each device has an at attribute that must match an identified point on the structure defining where the clamp or recorder is applied. If more complicated stimulation profiles are used, these are also embedded in the access file.
There are serveral options for matching the the recording locations in the access file against the cell morphology.
- If you know the ID of the point you wish to record from, just set this as the at attribute. ID's can be found with Icing by clicking a point on the structure.
- A label can be added to the structure and connected to the point you wish to record from. The at attribute is then set to the label. This is useful where you want to change the recording location. With Icing labels can easily be moved around on the cell, so the recording location can be changed without changing the access file. In this sense, labels act rather like probes that can be attached to points on the cell.
- If you wish to process several morphologies without manually matching the recording configuration to each one, the location attribute can be set to refer to CellLocation block. This gives a parameterized way of uniquely specifying one or more points on the structure in terms of path lenghth, radius etc. It allows the same set of experiments to be run across a range of morphologies with minimal intervention.
<Access id="recording"> <CurrentClamp at="p0" hold="0.1nA" /> <VoltageRecorder at="p1" /> </Access>
Finally, one channel definition is required for each channel typ referenced from the properties file. This example just needs a leak current which, in PSICS, is represented as a knetic scheme with a single, open, state.
<KSChannel id="leak" gSingle="0.01pS" permeantIon="K"> <OpenState id="o1" /> </KSChannel>
This completes the specification of the model. In general, some of these elements will be much larger, particularly the morphology specification and the channel distributions within the CellProperties object, as described on the corresponding pages if the formats reference. In addition, there is a graphical tool, ICING, that can be used to create the channel distribution file and match populations up against specific regions of a particular morphology. The use if ICING is presented in the next section.