ICING - Interactive Channel INsertion Gui
Once the channel models and the morphology are available, the bulk of the work in specifying a complex neuron model is to relate the two together by specifying how the channels are distributed over the structure. This is the puropse of ICING. It allows the creation and editing of cell properties files, and the positioning of labels on the structure corresponding to references from such files.
Download and installation
ICING is written in Java and runs on Window, MacOSX and Linux. It includes optional 3D visualization features that require some further work to get Java3D installed and to set the available memory. It can be downloaded from the main download area which also includes links and installation instructions for Java3D.
- Screeshots: showing the main features of the user interface
- Getting started: model visualization and editing
- Specifying channel distributions: details of controls and how they affect the model being edited