PSICS System Architecture
There are a variety of ways to structure software for computing the behavior of a neuron. Each has its own benefits and complications. This section presents the approach taken with PSICS. It is intended primarily for software developers or for users who who are interested in extensions to the current modeling capabilities.
Candidate architectures
Given a biological model, possible ways to compute its behavior include:
- constructing a set of partial differential equations from the model specification and solving these by standard methods of computational applied mathematics
- mapping each component of the model onto a computational entity that implements its own update rule and then joining them all up
- homogenizing the structures as far as possible so that the resulting system can be updated by repeating the same few operations right across the structure
An equation based solution can take advantage of sophisticated packages for PDEs and can offer a wide range of solution methods including adaptive time steps and good control of solution tolerances. Extending such a system typically involves specifying how a new structure should be mapped to equations and so can be achieved without any low-level code modifications.
A component-based solution is conceptually simple and may match a biological system more readily since large parts of many such systems, including neurons, are are intrinsically component-based. It is also possible to work with entities that do not naturally map onto differential equations. Extensions typically involve writing new objects that form part of the core computation.
Finally, a table-based system offers a small, optimizeable, computational core that can be thoroughly insulated from the details of the model specification. It makes some forms of extension (those that fit within what the core already does) very easy, but makes others much harder since modifications of the core are required.
Very loosely, Neuron adopts the first approach (with elements of the second) and Genesis the second (with elements of the first). The third option is only mentioned here because it is what PSICS does. It could be seen as something of a counter current to the prevailing approach to biological simulations in which object oriented designs naturally match the underlying structures that are being modelled, and where the flexibility and extensibility that they provide is highly valued. However, object oriented structures are most useful for model description, and here PSICS has plenty of objects: the first level of classes exactly matches the model specification schemas. But these classes are only distantly related to the objects used in the computation itself. In general, the model specification classes export themselves as structures suitable for (re)discretization. The outputs of the discretization step export themselves as compact structures that represent the task from a computational perspective. These are serialized from Java and deserialized into Fortran objects (modules and derived types) that are finally reordered for the most efficient calculation sequence and converted to arrays. All the intermediate objects are discarded and the calculation uses just the arrays.
The main benefits are in ease of implementation and performance. Each of the processing steps is largely self-contained and can be implemented in the most convenient way. For example, the initial model specification level is all about readability and annotations. It uses small objects, reflection and public fields. And performance is not a consideration at all. By contrast the last level is almost entirely array based with private fields in the interests of minimizing memory usage and maximizing the freedom of the compiler to produce an efficient executable.
The performance target for the core calculation is that the main cost should be the essential costs of updating channel states. The most important consideration in achieving this is to order the operations so that large sets of identical channels are treated within each of the innermost function calls or page accesses. Channel update costs can vary from less than one to a hundred or more floating operations per channel depending on population sizes and channel complexity, so the costs of function calls and cache misses can easily outweigh channel updates if, for example the code were to iterate first over compartements and then over channel types on each compatment. These considerations drives the choice of a uniform structure for all channel types and a memory layout that orders all channels of one type together, only making the connection back from channel states to compartmentalization once per step.
Declarative model specification
PSICS Models are specified as a collection of purely declarative structures represented as XML. In some cases expressions can be included but parameterized forms are provided for the most common (and physiologically plausible) expressions so that only the parameter values need be included in the specification. The bulk of the application is concerned with processing these structures into a form suitable for running the calculation. Morphologies are rediscretized, ion channels converted to a generic matrix form and stimulation profiles are tabulated.
Internal data structures
The end goal of the processing is a set of data structures that make the inner loops of the update step as concise as possible. Each type of voltage-dependent channel yields an array of matrices containing the transition probabilities over a given timestep at different membrane potentials. The electrical structure becomes an array of capacitances for the compartments and an array of connections (indexes of each compartment, and a conductance). The channel states are an array of population vectors for each channel type and each compartment on which it occurs. For channels treated stochastically these are integers; in the continuous limit they are floating point density vectors.
Update rules
For continuous channels, most of the computing time is spent repeating the operation
p = fMip + (1 - f)Mi+1p
where p is the population vector, i is an index in the matrix table for the
potential of the compartment, Mi is the discrete transition matrix at that potential,
and f interpolates between the two nearest matrices. I.e., it uses a linear interpolation in the
discrete-interval matrices instead of recomputing the matrices at exactly the right potential.
For stochastic channels, the update involves generating a new discrete occupancy vector for each compartment and channel type using the probabilities in the discrete transition matrices. For a single channel, this involves sampling from the matrix column corresponding to its current state according to a uniformly distributed random variable. For a population of channels a range of more economical algorithms are available where the dominant cost in most cases is the generation of random numbers. The numerical methods section of the user guide explains the algorithms that are used.
The membrane potential update using the Hines method based on a connection array is also very concise. If there are channels on most compartments then it is typically a small contribution to the computational cost unless the channels are very simple.
Memory footprint
The performance of numerical software frequently falls far short of the theoretical maximum number of floating operations that the processor is capable of. The limiting factor in these cases is access to main memory when data is needed that is not already on the cache (cache misses). The preprocessing step, performed in Java, has a large and somewhat unpredictable footprint, but thereafter PSICS has a fairly predictable memory usage. The main contributions are approximately:
Core code | 80kB (Linux) |
Electrical structure | (2 R + 2 I) Ncpt |
Channel transition tables | 100 R Nchannel Nstate2 |
Channel states | I Ncpt Nchannel Nstate |
Transient workspace | 4 R Ncpt |
For a cell discretized to 1,000 compartments and populated with five types of six-state channel everywhere, this yields about 280kB using floats and 380kB using doubles. For a cell of 10,000 compartments the numbers are about 1.6MB and 2.0MB. Therefore, for moderate size cells it should be possible to keep the entire calculation within the cache. Preliminary tests with valgrind confirm this for the rallpack 3 example on a Pentium4: cache misses are below 0.1% and the number of instructions actually executed per second is close to the clock frequency.