PSICS - the Parallel Stochastic Ion Channel Simulator
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Design notes

Other developers are occasionally interested in why particular design decisions were taken with PSICS. The following notes address some of the more common questions.

Units and XML

In PSICS, dimensional quantities are expressed as single strings, as in:

<KSChannel id="HH_Na" permeantIon="Na" gSingle="4pS">...</KSChannel>
or, eqivalently,
<KSChannel id="HH_Na">
They are not expressed as:
<gSingle unit="pS">4</gSingle>
or any other variant that splits the 4 from the pS. Furthermore, compound units, such as uF per cm^2 are written that way rather than separating the uF from the cm^2.

This could be seen as breaking the principle of atomicity, (also called the principle of structured data) for XML content which states that structure data should be split out into XML elements rather than enclosed in strings. The problem with the two forms immediately above is that the result is not really atomic. There is a degeneracy in the split between the value and the unit, with the result that these cannot be considered the canonical representations of the quantity.

But, also, the atomicity principle is actually more subtle than the statement above would suggest. XML formats make extensive use of structured data within strings. Examples include scientific notation for numbers as in the XML schema datatypes recommendation, the ISO 8601 date format, xpath in and variable references in XSLT, and comma-separated lists in Ant. The common thread in these applications is that the processor using the data has no choice but to understand the concept being encoded. An xpath expression is of no use except to an xpath-aware processor, so there is no point in splitting it up further. The same is true for and ISO 8601 date and the other examples. In the rest of this section, we demonstrate that this is also the case for dimensional quantities in PSICS.

Consider the quantity 4pS. It can also be written as 0.004nS or 4E-12S or 0.004 per Gohm or 4E-5s^3 A^2 per g per cm^2 or 4E-12s^2 A^2 Kg^-1 m^-2 or any of an indefinite number of other variants, all of which specify exactly the same quantity. Expressing these as

	<unit>per GOhm</unit>
Doesn't help much and could even be misleading because it would suggest that the two parts could stand alone somehow. A parallel can be drawn here with the expression of large and small real numbers as in 6.02 * 1023 which is normally encoded as 6.02E23. It could be split as any of the following:
<real decimal="6.02" exponent="23" />
<real exponent="23">6.02</real>
<real exponent="24">0.602</real>
and many others. Of course, such values are rarely split in XML, presumably because most programming languages provide native support for scientific notation. There is also definitions of float and double datatypes in XML Schema part 2 which was at Candidate Reccommendation stage in April 2009.

Returning to dimensional quantities and the 4pS example, the natural canonical representation is

where M, L, T, and A indicate the standard SI base dimensions mass, length, time and Amperes. This might reasonably be contracted to
since this preserves the SI value and simply aggregates the M-1 L-2 T3 A2 dimension as a compound canonical form, Siemens. However, this still leaves multiple ways to express the same quantity because it could also be written as

using another of the 22 standard SI units. In this case one could also consider using some MathML to express the power of -1.

So the XML designer has the choice whether to use the full canonical representation, an SI value and SI units, a plain undivided string, or a somewhat arbitrary split where neither component is unique. The last route is often taken through simplistic application of the atomicity principle without recognizing the degeneracy which takes away most of the benefits of such a split. The difficulty of the full canonical form is that it is hard to recognize that the dimension being expressed is the Siemen. The latter could be included as an attribute for reader convenience, but that reintroduces the fragility problem because it could then be inconsistent with the dimension that is actually expressed.

The main lesson to be taken from all this is that working with dimensional quantities is hard. Either specifications have to use the canonical representation or anything processing specifications of such quantities has to be aware of the subtleties of units and dimensions. Splitting a string into value and units components masquerades as XML atomicity but without the usual benefits. Since PSICS is intended to be read and written by users, the canonical option is not viable as it would force the user to do manual conversions to SI throughout. So PSICS takes the other option and implements a full dimensions model within the software itself, leaving dimensional quantities as undissociated strings. They suffer the same lack of uniqueness as with splits, but at least they do not look atomic, and they are certainly closer to the way such quantities are normally written.

Compound units and equations

The above discussion of intermediate expressions for dimensional quantities between plain strings and the canonical representation only scratches the surface of the problem. For example, a quantity such as 0.95 microFarad per square centimetre would properly demand some MathML to encode the expression 0.95 * microFarad / power(cm, 2). But given that such things are not atomic in any case and are likely to rapidly get more complicated than the true canonical representation, that does not seem like a good idea.

There is also a tendency in scientific applications of XML to use dimensionless variables in equations, presumably because computers languages only deal natively with dimensionless quantities. For example, if P is a membrane potential with dimensions Volt, then one can write p = P/Volt to get a dimensionless quantity p. Doing similar manipulations for other quantities, one can write whole physical equations in dimensionless form, such as c dp/dt = g(e - p) for the potential into a capacitive compartment with an ohmic conductance g to a driving potenital e. This is the dimensionless form of C dP/dT = G(E - P) where C has dimensions capacitance, G conductance T time, and E and P have dimensions Volt.

The key difference between these forms is that the dimensional form says nothing about units. It is a statement about physical quantities, in the same sense that I can lay a meter rule end to end with a six inch rule and get something one metre and six inches long. But if I add 1 plus 6 it is nonsense. Likewise, the dimensional form is universal, but the dimesionless form as a high capacity for nonsense. If I choose to work in mV and microFarad, so p = P / mV and c = C / uF, then I have to work out the right units for g or the equation is wrong, even though it looks just like the dimensional one. It is worth noting that publications in physics and biology normally express dimensional equations. They may include statements such as "if V is in mV and g in pS then c is in...", but these are just metadata presenting one dimensionless form from the whole family of such forms encompased in the equation. Where model specification tools choose to represent only relationships between dimensionless quantities, they are, often unwittingly, picking an impoverished and fragile version of the original.

The point here is the same as above: working with dimensional quantities takes work that has to be done somewhere. It can be forced on the user by providing an XML specification that requires equations to have been correctly reduced to a dimensionless form in advance. Or it can be implemented in the code that works with the data and leave the user to express equations with dimensional quantities. Given that PSICS has a single code base, but hopefully many users making many models, the latter is the preferred solution here.

Elements and Attributes

Following the terminology used by Uche Ogbuji in his Principles of XML design most PSICS design decisions can be seen as application of a slightly modified version of his principle of core content:

If you consider the information in question to be part of the essential material that is being expressed or communicated in the XML, put it in an element. If you consider the information to be peripheral or incidental to the main communication, or purely intended to help applications process the main communication, use attributes.

In a sense, of course, none of the information in a model specification in incidental or peripheral. It is all part of the model, so in that sense, it should all go in elements. But there are still two categories of content in a model, and it makes sense to use the element/attribute distinctions provided by XML to style them differently.

Because the models are intended to parallel physical entities, there is a natural distinction in the model between things and properties of those things. A cell or an ion channel are things; the radius of a cell or the conductance of an ion channel are properties. This leads to XML looking like:

<Cell radius="5um">...</Cell>
<KSChannel conductance="3pS">...</KSChannel>
where each thing may contain other things such a population of ion channels. And enclosed things may have their own properties, such as the number of ion channels in the population.

There are two rules of thumb that help decide what should be an element and what should be an attribute in this picture (in addition to the unambiguous cases noted by Ogbiji):

So, for example, for an integrate-and-fire model, "the cell's threshold is -40mV" beats "the cell has a threshold; the value of the threshold is -40mV", so "threshold" should be an attribute of the cell element. But if the model had some more subtle spike generating mechanism one might prefer to say "the cell has a threshold-based spike generator" and make it an element.

The second rule of thumb, and in fact, the only rule that really matters since it is what defines the XML, relates to representing objects as classes and instances in an object-oriented language:

Thus, for example, an integrate and fire cell with a threshold could be defined as:
class IaFCell {
	Voltage threshold;
Here "threshold" is local field of which the value is an object of type Voltage. The same Voltage class is used everywhere a quantity with dimensions Volt is required. Since the names are different, "threshold" should be an attribute. If instead we found it necessary to define a Threshold object as in:
class IaFCell {
	Threshold threshold;
then that would suggest there is more to the threshold than just a voltage, and that it should be its own element. Of course, to some extent this distinction reduces to whether items have internal structure (so they should be elements) or not (making them attributes). But, as discussed at length above, even a Voltage is an object with internal structure. The first use of voltage above indicates that it is used to add a property to core content, not as core content itself so we should try to store it in the XML as an attribute value rather than a new element tree.

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