
There is a separate folder for each model containing the model specification, results, and basic plots

FolderModelCPU time
p18 Channel noise in dendrites 0.2000
cell-loc Current clamp stimulation profile read from a file, varying the stimulation scale factor 0.9400
synapses Simple cell with distributions of synapses and event generators to activate them 1.950
minor PSICS project generated from: CA1PyramidalCell.ncx 0.2200
params 0.3000
smalldt PSICS project generated from: CA1PyramidalCell.ncx 0.2400
onsurface Cable, 100um long, run for 250ms with different timesteps between 20 and 500 microseconds 0.02000
migliore-1a Migliore et al CA1 pyramidal cell 1.140
rallpack3 Cable with HH sodium and potassium channels, different timesteps 3.140
cwvclamp Chow and White (1996), Biophys J 1.640
vcsteps 0.5400
rallpack1 Cable, 100um long, run for 250ms with different timesteps between 20 and 500 microseconds 2.900
smartrec Cell with smart recorders accessing channel population conductances independently 0.1600
ivconv 0.01000
ivconvm 71.34
mean-variance-iv-stoch 0.7700
stochdet 1.560
channel-functions test for channels with xml coded functions 1.030
stimtest Current clamp stimulation profile read from a file, varying the stimulation scale factor 0.1200
functest test for channels with xml coded functions 1.050
migliore-pass Migliore et al CA1 pyramidal cell 0.4900
psd 58.75
cianmar30 Channel noise in dendrites 4.350
mean-variance 10.78
rallpack2 Regular branched cable with 9 levels of branching (512 terminals) varying timestep 2.770
rallpack3-stoch Cable with HH sodium and potassium channels 237.4
rallpack3-stoch2 Cable with HH sodium and potassium channels, 20pS single channel conductance 121.4
chowwhite Chow and White (1996), Biophys J. Showing spontaneous spiking with varying numbers of channels 55.71
multirec Different ways of positioning recorders along the cell between defined points 1.090
mainen 628.3
soma-spikes-stochastic Cable with channels only for first 50 um, varying time step, stochatic 2.590
soma-spikes-continuous Cable with channels only for first 50 um, varying time step 0.9400
p1-f1-mean-variance 10.82
rallpack1-IE Cable, 100um long, run for 250ms with different timesteps between 20 and 500 microseconds 2.890
rallpack2-IE Regular branched cable with 9 levels of branching (512 terminals) varying timestep 2.740
singlecpt Cable with channels only for first 50 um, varying time step 0.02000
synstim Simple cell with distributions of synapses and event generators to activate them 1.950
resonance Spruston CA1 pyramidal neuron (with Ih) 1.544
manychannels 0.4400